x10sion is the only group that provides animal welfare expertise from the inside-out.

The principals of x10sion have more than 65 years of combined animal welfare expertise, and their value grows everyday as they are still active executive leaders within animal welfare organizations!
Whether you are seeking expertise in marketing, fundraising, communications, strategic planning, branding, or program development, x10sion represents the best value, field-tested counsel available in animal welfare, delivered by your peers. With our team of hand-selected experts covering a wide range of fields and disciplines, there is no problem or challenge x10sion can't help you solve. No more time, energy, or money wasted training outside "experts" or those who were once part of our field. X10sion provides the success you are seeking by being an extension of your very own team.

In a world where very little is unique, x10sion is just that.